6 research outputs found

    DeLTA: GPU Performance Model for Deep Learning Applications with In-depth Memory System Traffic Analysis

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    Training convolutional neural networks (CNNs) requires intense compute throughput and high memory bandwidth. Especially, convolution layers account for the majority of the execution time of CNN training, and GPUs are commonly used to accelerate these layer workloads. GPU design optimization for efficient CNN training acceleration requires the accurate modeling of how their performance improves when computing and memory resources are increased. We present DeLTA, the first analytical model that accurately estimates the traffic at each GPU memory hierarchy level, while accounting for the complex reuse patterns of a parallel convolution algorithm. We demonstrate that our model is both accurate and robust for different CNNs and GPU architectures. We then show how this model can be used to carefully balance the scaling of different GPU resources for efficient CNN performance improvement

    Near Data Acceleration with Concurrent Host Access

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    Near-data accelerators (NDAs) that are integrated with main memory have the potential for significant power and performance benefits. Fully realizing these benefits requires the large available memory capacity to be shared between the host and the NDAs in a way that permits both regular memory access by some applications and accelerating others with an NDA, avoids copying data, enables collaborative processing, and simultaneously offers high performance for both host and NDA. We identify and solve new challenges in this context: mitigating row-locality interference from host to NDAs, reducing read/write-turnaround overhead caused by fine-grain interleaving of host and NDA requests, architecting a memory layout that supports the locality required for NDAs and sophisticated address interleaving for host performance, and supporting both packetized and traditional memory interfaces. We demonstrate our approach in a simulated system that consists of a multi-core CPU and NDA-enabled DDR4 memory modules. We show that our mechanisms enable effective and efficient concurrent access using a set of microbenchmarks, and then demonstrate the potential of the system for the important stochastic variance-reduced gradient (SVRG) algorithm

    Reducing Activation Recomputation in Large Transformer Models

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    Training large transformer models is one of the most important computational challenges of modern AI. In this paper, we show how to significantly accelerate training of large transformer models by reducing activation recomputation. Activation recomputation is commonly used to work around memory capacity constraints. Rather than storing activations for backpropagation, they are traditionally recomputed, which saves memory but adds redundant compute. In this work, we show most of this redundant compute is unnecessary because we can reduce memory consumption sufficiently without it. We present two novel yet very simple techniques: sequence parallelism and selective activation recomputation. In conjunction with tensor parallelism, these techniques almost eliminate the need to recompute activations. We evaluate our approach on language models up to one trillion parameters in scale and show that our method reduces activation memory by 5x, while reducing execution time overhead from activation recomputation by over 90%. For example, when training a 530B parameter GPT-3 style model on 2240 NVIDIA A100 GPUs, we achieve a Model Flops Utilization of 54.2%, which is 29% faster than the 42.1% we achieve using recomputation. Our implementation will be available in both Megatron-LM and NeMo-Megatron